LdrOlgy_That is the hill you want to die on?

Leader-Ology: That is the hill you want to die on?

Today there are over 2 million + podcasts available. However, there has been one that has been my go-to. The Stacking Benjamin’s Show has lasted the longest because, after multiple episodes, I’ve come to really enjoy the personalities on it. Their focus is on personal finances and growing your individual wealth. Josh Bannerman is by far my favorite host on the podcast. He’s funny, knowledgeable, filled with common sense, and a veteran of the US Marines. When he gets heated up on a particular news article, he doesn’t hold back on his honest opinion, which can be pretty entertaining.

One phrase he has used over time that has stuck with me is, “That is the hill you want to die on!? Really!?” It has been one of my favorite phrases because it challenges me to look inward at myself and challenged my stance, “Why is this position so important to me?” “What am I really trying to accomplish?” “Is there a possibility that I could be wrong?” “What are my true intentions and desires?” There have been too many times in my life and career where my stubbornness, pride and my ego fueled my internal energy to not accept defeat or surrender. I had to be right, I had to have the chosen plan, and I had to prove that I was more intelligent than the others challenging me upon the hill.

Early on in my career I was so reluctant to compromise. In First Sergeant Academy “Change” was my lowest graded area when it came to my personal values. I hate change, especially when it is outside my control. Yet, I cannot escape the fact of, “Is that the hill you want to die on?” Over the past year I have found how beneficial it can be with learning to communicate and work towards compromises. I wish the younger SSgt Lombardi would have accepted this fact, but now MSgt Lombardi is quickly learning and applying the lessons.

These lessons can be applied throughout our lives. Creating a financial plan. Planning the next family vacation or holiday gathering. The thought of returning to college to finish a degree plan or maybe even dedicated towards starting a new business. We can have productive conversations to help us reach our desired outcomes. I want X in red, you want Z in blue, but we can achieve Y with some red and blue, and we both get a portion of what we want.

So… is that really the hill you want to die on?

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