Ldrstc_Chp.24_Their Best is Your Best


Their best is your best

I have witnessed to many people who are given a title of leader, who then tell their people what they expect out of them but they themselves are not willing to do it. You as a leader set the pace for your people that you yourself maintains.

The military expects its people to be physically fit, and for a person in a leadership position to force an expectation for their people and then they themselves do not apply a physically fit lifestyle does not bring you and your people closer together.

This is a good example of how a manager and a leader are vastly different. A manager tells people what they need to do and how they need to get tasks done. A leader however does it alongside their people. A leader understands that they have to hold the highest standards upon themselves to ensure they set the tone for their organization. Don’t have double standards for your people.

If you expect your people to give their absolute best, then you sure as better fucking give them YOUR best! Leadership is a privilege; it is something one “hopefully” earns by showing their worth and value and not just given flippantly. You have to remember the title of leader is something that demands your best, not for your own gain, but for those  that follow you. Additionally, you must EARN the position as a leader, rather than demanding from your troops. Receive their best effort by giving them your best effort.


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